It all started back in 2002 when a Bible study group decided to coordinate a vacation Bible school. However, instead of having it inside a church building, these believers decided to have it in the great outdoors! Every summer since, we have been attracting more and more Christians from several area churches to come together to spread the word about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to children in our community.
The Bible says in Matthew 19:14, "Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to these.'"
Celebrate Jesus Ministries lives that out every summer through our week-long day camps. Join us in celebrating our 22nd summer of Bible camps! Our camps see hundreds of kids from the Tidewater area and further. We've even had families who have moved to California plan their vacation here in order for their children to come to camp!
Don't miss out! Sign up today!
Check out the following video to get a better feel about what goes on at Celebrate Jesus Vacation Bible Camps!